Our Sustainability Policy

Sustainability for Formplast;
Formplast`s sustainability strategy; The ideal is to integrate sustainability into the corporate strategy, thus aiming to become an integral part of the corporate strategy. In this sense, we can call the efforts to integrate all issues within the scope of sustainability with the main strategy as "Formplast`s sustainability strategy". Formplast`s "Corporate Sustainability Policy" is handled within the scope of a holistic approach and within the framework of business models based on sustainable future strategies.
Addressing "Sustainability" and "Social Responsibility" activities in the context of social, environmental and economic dimensions, Formplast`s main priority is to create a management model that is constantly improved and produces value.

 •    Formplast sustainability policy is evaluated in a way that demonstrates its responsibility towards its customers, both in the region where the factory is located and throughout the country. For this reason, suppliers are considered as a whole with the "sustainability" approach and "corporate social responsibility" practices in line with the creation of a value chain.
 •    Continuously improving all processes by effectively managing risks,
 •    Working with the zero accident principle regarding occupational health and safety,
 •    Increasing company performance and production efficiency,
 •    Providing an open communication environment by encouraging employees to participate actively (returning the improvements made as bonuses, making a thank you statement in a collective environment)
 •    Using energy efficiently, protecting environmental balance and natural resources (SPP, Boiler Steam Heating System)
 •    To follow a sustainable environmental management policy based on national environmental legislation, relevant environmental standards and the best technologies in this field,
 •    Ensuring information security and business continuity in all its activities,
 •    To ensure continuity in customer satisfaction,
 •    To develop its suppliers towards sustainability practices,
 •    To share sustainable environmental policy practices with the public in a transparent manner,
 •    Presenting Corporate Social Responsibility activities to its stakeholders in line with Company strategies, goals and priorities,
 •    Adopting Corporate Governance Principles, especially ethical values and anti-corruption, as the Company culture.

Employee Experience
    Formplast, which carries out its activities with awareness of its social, environmental and economic impacts, makes its growth sustainable and moves forward with the understanding of leaving a more livable world to future generations. Formplast, which undertakes to treat all its employees honestly and fairly, and to undertake the responsibility of providing a safe and healthy working environment that respects human dignity by avoiding discrimination, has adopted the Zero Tolerance Policy against Discrimination as a basic principle in all recruitment, promotion, appointment and training processes.

Gender equality
In this context, by investing in its talents, it contributes to progress in the Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reducing Inequality. In this context, the principle of equal pay is adopted; Without discrimination between the wages of our 84 female and 156 male employees, wage differences between employees performing the same task are determined by objective factors such as seniority and performance-based remuneration.

Resource consumption, waste management and circular economy, which come with the environmental dimensions of sustainability, are Formplast`s priority issues. Acting by ensuring that the global environment remains for future generations, Formplast has initiated efforts to reset its carbon footprint, which is the first condition of being climate friendly. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, one of the most important parts of the environmentally responsible perspective, is managed in integration with ISO 9001.
Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint plays an important role in combating the climate crisis. Formplast strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim of reducing energy costs, it supports projects aimed at using energy efficiently and reducing the amount of energy used in unit production.
Occupational health and Safety
It is an institution that aims to create a safe working environment where its employees, all visitors, subcontractors and interns are protected from work accidents and occupational diseases. In this sense, employee health and safety is an indispensable priority and this awareness is unquestionably adopted by all management teams and employees.

Supplier Sustainability
The most important role in an advanced value chain, which is a prerequisite for quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction, is the suppliers we work with. Ensuring that our values are adopted by our supply chain and dealers is one of the important parts of our sustainability approach.
When selecting our suppliers, we take into consideration their operational ability, solution-oriented approach and references, as well as environmental, social and economic criteria, as a result of our sustainability approach.
In order to maintain our competitive position, we evaluate all local and global supply alternatives and structure our relationships with our suppliers to be transparent, accountable and compatible.
All suppliers are expected to follow the Supplier Code of Conduct.
 1. Compliance with Laws 
 2. Respect for Human Rights 
 3. Working Conditions
        • Child Labor
        • Fair Working Conditions
        • Right to Work Freely
        • Training and Development
 4. Health and Safety of Employees
 5. Environmental Responsibility
 6. Fighting Bribery
 7. Gift Receiving and Giving Policy 
 8. Responsibility
The rules that all suppliers must comply with are defined in detail.

Before starting to work with suppliers, the Supplier Code of Conduct and the Supplier Sustainability Assessment Survey ensure that critical sustainability priorities are adopted by the suppliers. Code of Ethics, waste management, etc. on order letters outside the framework contract. Legally binding conditions have been created on these issues.
Supplier selection is made taking into account the rules determined in the purchasing procedure and the approved supplier list. Formplast carries out supplier risk and performance assessment studies for all suppliers. All legal and environmental risks are also included in this process. Supplier audits and field visits are organized according to the results of these evaluations. Suppliers are expected to be able to prove that they fully comply with all legal regulations to protect the environment, human rights, health and safety conditions. For this purpose, suppliers` certifications are examined and updated data is requested. After the performance evaluation, performance cards prepared in detail regarding all processes are shared with suppliers and discussions and plans are made regarding areas open to improvement.

Sustainability Performance

Our Sustainability Policy

Sustainability for Formplast;
Formplast`s sustainability strategy; The ideal is to integrate sustainability into the corporate strategy, thus aiming to become an integral part of the corporate strategy. In this sense, we can call the efforts to integrate all issues within the scope of sustainability with the main strategy as "Formplast`s sustainability strategy". Formplast`s "Corporate Sustainability Policy" is handled within the scope of a holistic approach and within the framework of business models based on sustainable future strategies.
Addressing "Sustainability" and "Social Responsibility" activities in the context of social, environmental and economic dimensions, Formplast`s main priority is to create a management model that is constantly improved and produces value.

 •    Formplast sustainability policy is evaluated in a way that demonstrates its responsibility towards its customers, both in the region where the factory is located and throughout the country. For this reason, suppliers are considered as a whole with the "sustainability" approach and "corporate social responsibility" practices in line with the creation of a value chain.
 •    Continuously improving all processes by effectively managing risks,
 •    Working with the zero accident principle regarding occupational health and safety,
 •    Increasing company performance and production efficiency,
 •    Providing an open communication environment by encouraging employees to participate actively (returning the improvements made as bonuses, making a thank you statement in a collective environment)
 •    Using energy efficiently, protecting environmental balance and natural resources (SPP, Boiler Steam Heating System)
 •    To follow a sustainable environmental management policy based on national environmental legislation, relevant environmental standards and the best technologies in this field,
 •    Ensuring information security and business continuity in all its activities,
 •    To ensure continuity in customer satisfaction,
 •    To develop its suppliers towards sustainability practices,
 •    To share sustainable environmental policy practices with the public in a transparent manner,
 •    Presenting Corporate Social Responsibility activities to its stakeholders in line with Company strategies, goals and priorities,
 •    Adopting Corporate Governance Principles, especially ethical values and anti-corruption, as the Company culture.

Employee Experience
    Formplast, which carries out its activities with awareness of its social, environmental and economic impacts, makes its growth sustainable and moves forward with the understanding of leaving a more livable world to future generations. Formplast, which undertakes to treat all its employees honestly and fairly, and to undertake the responsibility of providing a safe and healthy working environment that respects human dignity by avoiding discrimination, has adopted the Zero Tolerance Policy against Discrimination as a basic principle in all recruitment, promotion, appointment and training processes.

Gender equality
In this context, by investing in its talents, it contributes to progress in the Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reducing Inequality. In this context, the principle of equal pay is adopted; Without discrimination between the wages of our 84 female and 156 male employees, wage differences between employees performing the same task are determined by objective factors such as seniority and performance-based remuneration.

Resource consumption, waste management and circular economy, which come with the environmental dimensions of sustainability, are Formplast`s priority issues. Acting by ensuring that the global environment remains for future generations, Formplast has initiated efforts to reset its carbon footprint, which is the first condition of being climate friendly. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, one of the most important parts of the environmentally responsible perspective, is managed in integration with ISO 9001.
Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint plays an important role in combating the climate crisis. Formplast strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim of reducing energy costs, it supports projects aimed at using energy efficiently and reducing the amount of energy used in unit production.
Occupational health and Safety
It is an institution that aims to create a safe working environment where its employees, all visitors, subcontractors and interns are protected from work accidents and occupational diseases. In this sense, employee health and safety is an indispensable priority and this awareness is unquestionably adopted by all management teams and employees.

Supplier Sustainability
The most important role in an advanced value chain, which is a prerequisite for quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction, is the suppliers we work with. Ensuring that our values are adopted by our supply chain and dealers is one of the important parts of our sustainability approach.
When selecting our suppliers, we take into consideration their operational ability, solution-oriented approach and references, as well as environmental, social and economic criteria, as a result of our sustainability approach.
In order to maintain our competitive position, we evaluate all local and global supply alternatives and structure our relationships with our suppliers to be transparent, accountable and compatible.
All suppliers are expected to follow the Supplier Code of Conduct.
 1. Compliance with Laws 
 2. Respect for Human Rights 
 3. Working Conditions
        • Child Labor
        • Fair Working Conditions
        • Right to Work Freely
        • Training and Development
 4. Health and Safety of Employees
 5. Environmental Responsibility
 6. Fighting Bribery
 7. Gift Receiving and Giving Policy 
 8. Responsibility
The rules that all suppliers must comply with are defined in detail.

Before starting to work with suppliers, the Supplier Code of Conduct and the Supplier Sustainability Assessment Survey ensure that critical sustainability priorities are adopted by the suppliers. Code of Ethics, waste management, etc. on order letters outside the framework contract. Legally binding conditions have been created on these issues.
Supplier selection is made taking into account the rules determined in the purchasing procedure and the approved supplier list. Formplast carries out supplier risk and performance assessment studies for all suppliers. All legal and environmental risks are also included in this process. Supplier audits and field visits are organized according to the results of these evaluations. Suppliers are expected to be able to prove that they fully comply with all legal regulations to protect the environment, human rights, health and safety conditions. For this purpose, suppliers` certifications are examined and updated data is requested. After the performance evaluation, performance cards prepared in detail regarding all processes are shared with suppliers and discussions and plans are made regarding areas open to improvement.

Sustainability Performance

Our Sustainability Policy

Sustainability for Formplast;
Formplast`s sustainability strategy; The ideal is to integrate sustainability into the corporate strategy, thus aiming to become an integral part of the corporate strategy. In this sense, we can call the efforts to integrate all issues within the scope of sustainability with the main strategy as "Formplast`s sustainability strategy". Formplast`s "Corporate Sustainability Policy" is handled within the scope of a holistic approach and within the framework of business models based on sustainable future strategies.
Addressing "Sustainability" and "Social Responsibility" activities in the context of social, environmental and economic dimensions, Formplast`s main priority is to create a management model that is constantly improved and produces value.

 •    Formplast sustainability policy is evaluated in a way that demonstrates its responsibility towards its customers, both in the region where the factory is located and throughout the country. For this reason, suppliers are considered as a whole with the "sustainability" approach and "corporate social responsibility" practices in line with the creation of a value chain.
 •    Continuously improving all processes by effectively managing risks,
 •    Working with the zero accident principle regarding occupational health and safety,
 •    Increasing company performance and production efficiency,
 •    Providing an open communication environment by encouraging employees to participate actively (returning the improvements made as bonuses, making a thank you statement in a collective environment)
 •    Using energy efficiently, protecting environmental balance and natural resources (SPP, Boiler Steam Heating System)
 •    To follow a sustainable environmental management policy based on national environmental legislation, relevant environmental standards and the best technologies in this field,
 •    Ensuring information security and business continuity in all its activities,
 •    To ensure continuity in customer satisfaction,
 •    To develop its suppliers towards sustainability practices,
 •    To share sustainable environmental policy practices with the public in a transparent manner,
 •    Presenting Corporate Social Responsibility activities to its stakeholders in line with Company strategies, goals and priorities,
 •    Adopting Corporate Governance Principles, especially ethical values and anti-corruption, as the Company culture.

Employee Experience
    Formplast, which carries out its activities with awareness of its social, environmental and economic impacts, makes its growth sustainable and moves forward with the understanding of leaving a more livable world to future generations. Formplast, which undertakes to treat all its employees honestly and fairly, and to undertake the responsibility of providing a safe and healthy working environment that respects human dignity by avoiding discrimination, has adopted the Zero Tolerance Policy against Discrimination as a basic principle in all recruitment, promotion, appointment and training processes.

Gender equality
In this context, by investing in its talents, it contributes to progress in the Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reducing Inequality. In this context, the principle of equal pay is adopted; Without discrimination between the wages of our 84 female and 156 male employees, wage differences between employees performing the same task are determined by objective factors such as seniority and performance-based remuneration.

Resource consumption, waste management and circular economy, which come with the environmental dimensions of sustainability, are Formplast`s priority issues. Acting by ensuring that the global environment remains for future generations, Formplast has initiated efforts to reset its carbon footprint, which is the first condition of being climate friendly. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, one of the most important parts of the environmentally responsible perspective, is managed in integration with ISO 9001.
Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint plays an important role in combating the climate crisis. Formplast strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim of reducing energy costs, it supports projects aimed at using energy efficiently and reducing the amount of energy used in unit production.
Occupational health and Safety
It is an institution that aims to create a safe working environment where its employees, all visitors, subcontractors and interns are protected from work accidents and occupational diseases. In this sense, employee health and safety is an indispensable priority and this awareness is unquestionably adopted by all management teams and employees.

Supplier Sustainability
The most important role in an advanced value chain, which is a prerequisite for quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction, is the suppliers we work with. Ensuring that our values are adopted by our supply chain and dealers is one of the important parts of our sustainability approach.
When selecting our suppliers, we take into consideration their operational ability, solution-oriented approach and references, as well as environmental, social and economic criteria, as a result of our sustainability approach.
In order to maintain our competitive position, we evaluate all local and global supply alternatives and structure our relationships with our suppliers to be transparent, accountable and compatible.
All suppliers are expected to follow the Supplier Code of Conduct.
 1. Compliance with Laws 
 2. Respect for Human Rights 
 3. Working Conditions
        • Child Labor
        • Fair Working Conditions
        • Right to Work Freely
        • Training and Development
 4. Health and Safety of Employees
 5. Environmental Responsibility
 6. Fighting Bribery
 7. Gift Receiving and Giving Policy 
 8. Responsibility
The rules that all suppliers must comply with are defined in detail.

Before starting to work with suppliers, the Supplier Code of Conduct and the Supplier Sustainability Assessment Survey ensure that critical sustainability priorities are adopted by the suppliers. Code of Ethics, waste management, etc. on order letters outside the framework contract. Legally binding conditions have been created on these issues.
Supplier selection is made taking into account the rules determined in the purchasing procedure and the approved supplier list. Formplast carries out supplier risk and performance assessment studies for all suppliers. All legal and environmental risks are also included in this process. Supplier audits and field visits are organized according to the results of these evaluations. Suppliers are expected to be able to prove that they fully comply with all legal regulations to protect the environment, human rights, health and safety conditions. For this purpose, suppliers` certifications are examined and updated data is requested. After the performance evaluation, performance cards prepared in detail regarding all processes are shared with suppliers and discussions and plans are made regarding areas open to improvement.

Sustainability Performance

Our Sustainability Policy

Sustainability for Formplast;
Formplast`s sustainability strategy; The ideal is to integrate sustainability into the corporate strategy, thus aiming to become an integral part of the corporate strategy. In this sense, we can call the efforts to integrate all issues within the scope of sustainability with the main strategy as "Formplast`s sustainability strategy". Formplast`s "Corporate Sustainability Policy" is handled within the scope of a holistic approach and within the framework of business models based on sustainable future strategies.
Addressing "Sustainability" and "Social Responsibility" activities in the context of social, environmental and economic dimensions, Formplast`s main priority is to create a management model that is constantly improved and produces value.

 •    Formplast sustainability policy is evaluated in a way that demonstrates its responsibility towards its customers, both in the region where the factory is located and throughout the country. For this reason, suppliers are considered as a whole with the "sustainability" approach and "corporate social responsibility" practices in line with the creation of a value chain.
 •    Continuously improving all processes by effectively managing risks,
 •    Working with the zero accident principle regarding occupational health and safety,
 •    Increasing company performance and production efficiency,
 •    Providing an open communication environment by encouraging employees to participate actively (returning the improvements made as bonuses, making a thank you statement in a collective environment)
 •    Using energy efficiently, protecting environmental balance and natural resources (SPP, Boiler Steam Heating System)
 •    To follow a sustainable environmental management policy based on national environmental legislation, relevant environmental standards and the best technologies in this field,
 •    Ensuring information security and business continuity in all its activities,
 •    To ensure continuity in customer satisfaction,
 •    To develop its suppliers towards sustainability practices,
 •    To share sustainable environmental policy practices with the public in a transparent manner,
 •    Presenting Corporate Social Responsibility activities to its stakeholders in line with Company strategies, goals and priorities,
 •    Adopting Corporate Governance Principles, especially ethical values and anti-corruption, as the Company culture.

Employee Experience
    Formplast, which carries out its activities with awareness of its social, environmental and economic impacts, makes its growth sustainable and moves forward with the understanding of leaving a more livable world to future generations. Formplast, which undertakes to treat all its employees honestly and fairly, and to undertake the responsibility of providing a safe and healthy working environment that respects human dignity by avoiding discrimination, has adopted the Zero Tolerance Policy against Discrimination as a basic principle in all recruitment, promotion, appointment and training processes.

Gender equality
In this context, by investing in its talents, it contributes to progress in the Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reducing Inequality. In this context, the principle of equal pay is adopted; Without discrimination between the wages of our 84 female and 156 male employees, wage differences between employees performing the same task are determined by objective factors such as seniority and performance-based remuneration.

Resource consumption, waste management and circular economy, which come with the environmental dimensions of sustainability, are Formplast`s priority issues. Acting by ensuring that the global environment remains for future generations, Formplast has initiated efforts to reset its carbon footprint, which is the first condition of being climate friendly. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, one of the most important parts of the environmentally responsible perspective, is managed in integration with ISO 9001.
Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint plays an important role in combating the climate crisis. Formplast strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim of reducing energy costs, it supports projects aimed at using energy efficiently and reducing the amount of energy used in unit production.
Occupational health and Safety
It is an institution that aims to create a safe working environment where its employees, all visitors, subcontractors and interns are protected from work accidents and occupational diseases. In this sense, employee health and safety is an indispensable priority and this awareness is unquestionably adopted by all management teams and employees.

Supplier Sustainability
The most important role in an advanced value chain, which is a prerequisite for quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction, is the suppliers we work with. Ensuring that our values are adopted by our supply chain and dealers is one of the important parts of our sustainability approach.
When selecting our suppliers, we take into consideration their operational ability, solution-oriented approach and references, as well as environmental, social and economic criteria, as a result of our sustainability approach.
In order to maintain our competitive position, we evaluate all local and global supply alternatives and structure our relationships with our suppliers to be transparent, accountable and compatible.
All suppliers are expected to follow the Supplier Code of Conduct.
 1. Compliance with Laws 
 2. Respect for Human Rights 
 3. Working Conditions
        • Child Labor
        • Fair Working Conditions
        • Right to Work Freely
        • Training and Development
 4. Health and Safety of Employees
 5. Environmental Responsibility
 6. Fighting Bribery
 7. Gift Receiving and Giving Policy 
 8. Responsibility
The rules that all suppliers must comply with are defined in detail.

Before starting to work with suppliers, the Supplier Code of Conduct and the Supplier Sustainability Assessment Survey ensure that critical sustainability priorities are adopted by the suppliers. Code of Ethics, waste management, etc. on order letters outside the framework contract. Legally binding conditions have been created on these issues.
Supplier selection is made taking into account the rules determined in the purchasing procedure and the approved supplier list. Formplast carries out supplier risk and performance assessment studies for all suppliers. All legal and environmental risks are also included in this process. Supplier audits and field visits are organized according to the results of these evaluations. Suppliers are expected to be able to prove that they fully comply with all legal regulations to protect the environment, human rights, health and safety conditions. For this purpose, suppliers` certifications are examined and updated data is requested. After the performance evaluation, performance cards prepared in detail regarding all processes are shared with suppliers and discussions and plans are made regarding areas open to improvement.

Sustainability Performance